Drooping heads of fading blossoms,
wilting plants, dried up stalks
replacing summer's verdant foliage
increase the sense of something lost.
As Autumn beauty tinged with the colors
of falling leaves and ripening harvest
signals its readiness to be reaped and plucked,
a chill in the air forewarns of coming frost
Squirrels scurry, chipmunks pack their pouches
all life prepares for winter's recurring return,
scrolling through the seasons
flipping the pages on the calendar of time.
In this season, a lesson in the art of letting go,
energy all but spent, ripe and past my prime,
I sigh and feel a touch of joyful sadness
a foreshadowing of the cold, dark, silence . . .
guaranteed to come.
RMG - September 11, 2019